Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 (like 12 &14) is an unlucky number by association.

I see exactly what it is that 2011 is doing. It's planning to release all this awesome stuff this year (Uncharted, Skyrim, 3DS, etc) and then have us all burn in a firey inferno in 2012. Damnit. It's such a brilliant plan. However, for those of you who DON'T believe we'll be burning a firey death a year from now we have a lot to look forward to. Theres so much epic gaming around the corner that if it so happens the apocalypse does occur, I'll probably still be playing all these awesome games. SO... I thought I'd start this off by giving a quick rundown of the awesome release lineup slated so far for this year.

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (Release 2/15)
Now, normally I'm not a huge fighting game type of guy, however even I see the appeal in a new entry in the VS. series. With an unparraleled number of characters what's not to like. Oh maybe it's the ridiculous combos that people pull off and kill me in 4 seconds. I remember why I dislike this game.
Excitement Level: 5/10

Pokemon Black & White (Release 3/6)
This one really kind of baffles me. Now, you would THINK, that since the good folks over at nintendo have themselves a new handheld hitting the market exactly 3 WEEKS later than the release of this game, they would focus on having a launch title to go with it? Could you imagine the boosted success of both the 3DS and a 3DS pokemon being released at the same time? I'm not quite sure about that hack job of an operation they've got going on over there, but that's me. For now, Black & White just seems like the 45th version of pokemon to be released in the last 5 years. Booo.
Excitement Level: 2/10

Dragon Age 2 (Release 3/8)
Here's a game that on the surface to me seems really something to be excited about. I've yet to delve into the first one, so i'm not quite sure what to expect, but i've seen it played and it looks really nice. However I am hoping that they make the console versions a little better. I've heard that was a big issue with the first. I had seen it played on the PC which looked great, but purchased (and have yet to play it) on the 360. So, we'll see.
Excitement Level: 5.5/10

Nintendo 3DS (Release 3/27)
Speaking of which, I'll be completely honest, I'm still up in the air on this one. On the surface it sounds like the most badass handheld since that ridiculous wave of tamagachi's hit stateside. It has a solid library of games slated to hit the system as well, a few resident evil's, super street fighter, a new kid icarus, ORCARINA OF TIME 3D *ahem*, and the recently announced new mario game, it deffinitely has some promise. However something about it screams... "Meh" to me. Well not really screams, more like sighs it... Anyway, idk the jury is still out on this thing for me, and for the early price tag of $250, I'm gonna stay away for at least a little while. I do believe it will eventually be a part of my glorious collection however.
Excitement Level: 7/10 now, probably a 9/10 at release

Portal 2 (Release 4/2)
No. Just No. This should not get a major release. Just No.
Excitement Level: I'm more excited for a new Halo ODST.

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Release 11/1)
One of my (and probably everyone's) most anticipated games of the year. I am a HUGE fan of the uncharted series, mainly for the characters. I don't think i've seen a game with as wide of a range of this well built characters ever in a game. I loved the first one, LOVED the second one, and I'm sure my love affair will continue with the second. I'm just pissed I have to wait 10 months for it.
Excitement Level: 9/10

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Release 11/11)
When Oblivion first hit store shelves I wasn't as aware of the style of game that it really was. I had owned Morrowind and really liked it, however Oblivion just never really jumped out at me. That was until I bought it and played it about a month later. This game single handedly was the reason I bought a new computer. One of the most immersive games I've ever played. No doubt it's one of my all time favorites. So this time, when the announcement for SKYRIM came around, I was not to be fooled twice. I immediately started looking for screenshots, storyboards, articles, videos, anything I could get my hands on. This game is going to rock some *ocks off. Yes, that means what you think it means. It's going to be THAT good.
Excitement Level: 9/10

Mass Effect 3 (Release Holiday 2011)
No doubt expected to be released before the end of the year, Mass Effect 3 might just be my most anticipated game of the year. Who doesn't love traversing the galaxy and getting it on with hot chicks and/or aliens? Nobody. That's who. In all seriousness however, ME3 may just be the best one to date, in a series where each game has gotten exponentially better, there's no doubt that ME3 is going to blow many of us out of the water... or the galaxy. Whatever floats your boat... or spaceship. You get the point.
Excitement Level: 9.5/10

Games whose dates that are TBA (Excitement Level)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (8/10)
Star Wars: The Old Republic (8/10)
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (6.5/10)
Diablo 3(6/10)
I Am Alive(5/10)

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